How To Play: Print out the Camera, bomb, and bunny pictures. Mix them with other flashcards you are teaching. Keep the bunny card at the end. Have them stand in a line. The teacher holding the cards and standing in front of them. Keep the flashcards in the right order. Word card, Camera card, Word card, Bomb card, Word card, bunny card. Show a card let’s say basket, they repeat after you and together take on step forward towards the teacher. Then show the next card let’s say Easter eggs, and take one more step forward. When the camera card shows up. They all make a picture pose or make funny faces. When they see the bomb card, they all have to cover their heads and sit on the floor. Teacher; 1,2,3 stand up and continue until the last card BUNNY shows up. When they see the bunny card, run back to the parents and hug them. The teacher tries to chase/tag them. Now they’re comfortable with it, so do it again and enjoy it. You can also use the “Oh! No” Flashcard, and when it appears, they have to say “Oh! No” and take one step backward.
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